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Gadgets To Use is a one-stop destination for all the latest technology and gadgets news that’s happening all around the world. We operate from New Delhi with reporting offices in Bengaluru and Mumbai also. At Gadgets To Use, we track the Indian market and tech industry happenings 24×7 to make sure our readers will be served with the latest information at a blazing fast speed. and Youtube Channel was founded in year 2012 by Abhishek Bhatnagar (a popular tech YouTuber & gadgets expert in India), Gadgets To Use has grown to a dedicated team of over 10 full-time journalists who are tech-savvy just like him. You can reach him on twitter at @abhishek

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At Gadgets To Use, we regularly publish exclusive news, features, editorials, interviews of industry experts & analysts, and product launch stories as they appear on the face of this world.

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Gadgets To Use
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All product names, logos, copyrights, and trademarks mentioned are acknowledged as the registered intellectual property of their respective owners.

Rumors are based on the tips given by the sources. Sometimes they can be true and sometimes they can’t be. We try our best to verify the authenticity but we are not able to verify them in every case.

Our Story

Are there any leftovers in the kitchen? what are the expectations but technologically savvy.

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We are driven by values

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Super Efficient

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Deeply Committed

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Highly Skilled

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Keith Marshall


George Williams


Julia Castillo

Client Service